Volunteer Application Form

Learn about which roles you’d be interested in, then fill out this form to be added to our contact lists for upcoming opportunities!

Volunteer Application Form

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with ReForest London. The information you provide in this form will assist us in offering you a volunteer opportunity that matches your skills and interests.


*Please note that we are located in London, Ontario, Canada*
Date of Birth(Required)
Please select all the roles you are interested in(Required)
You can learn more about these roles here: www.reforestlondon.ca/volunteer/volunteer-roles
How did you find out about us?

Previous volunteer positions (e.g. education, training, personal strengths, past committee experience, equipment, large vehicle, etc.)
Would you like to be added to our monthly e-newsletter that highlights upcoming events, stories and volunteers?(Required)

*** Prospective Volunteers: Please note that we are located in Canada, and currently only able to offer local volunteer opportunities. ***