Not sure what tree to choose to plant in your yard?
1. Click here to download “A Beginner’s Guide to Choosing a Tree for Your Yard”, a booklet created by ReForest London to help you identify the conditions in your backyard and how to choose the best tree. This booklet is family-friendly and can be completed with the help of your children! It is also suitable for beginner gardeners.
2. Once you know the conditions in your yard, you can select a tree!
Below is a chart with most of the tree species ReForest London is offering this spring. The chart lists each tree’s preference for the amount of sunlight required, soil type, and soil moisture levels. Not all trees on this chart will be available at every giveaway, but it includes a lot of common species we have available.

Additional Resources
- Ontario Tree Atlas. This website contains information about all tree species in Ontario.
- The Morton Arboretum. This is an American website, but it has relevant information about a lot of trees that grow in our region. - Video showing you how to perform a soil test: - Webinar recording by ReForest London called Seeds to Forest 201: Choosing the Right Tree: