Children planting a large caliper tree in their schoolyard

Schools Program

ReForest London’s wildly successful schools program, transforms the way educators and students engage with learning, whether it is in-person, experiential, or virtual.

At the heart of the program is a passion for environmental education and action. We believe, and have seen first-hand, that long-lasting and transformative change only happens when there is a personal investment and connection to the cause.

In partnership with local school boards (Thames Valley District School Board, London District Catholic School Board) our team fosters a passion in students and educators alike to care for our urban forests and a more sustainable community.

Schoolyard Tree Planting

Students will undergo site planning and tree planting of up to five (5) large native shade trees in their schoolyard through this self-led activity. ReForest London will provide all the supplies and equipment needed for a successful planting.

Students will gain valuable hands-on experience with project management, collaboration, critical thinking, and tree planting while also getting some exercise. This activity helps foster a sense of ownership over their project.

Cost: FREE

Time requirement: Site Planning (90 minutes period), Approvals (2-5 days), One planting session lasts up to 90 minutes depending on the number of trees.

When: Spring plantings are April to June 2024. Fall plantings are September to November 2024.

Please note:

  • Teachers must have the support of their principals to register for a schoolyard planting. Principals will be required to approve site plans.
  • Due to program funding, only schools located within the city of London will be accepted this round.

All of the trees planted in schoolyards contribute to London’s Million Tree Challenge!

Field Trips

Bring your students to the Westminster Ponds Centre to experience the vastness of the urban forest. ReForest London has been providing quality outdoor education for children, youth, and adults for over a decade. Operating year round, our education programs relate to the Ontario Curriculum, providing quality practical learning experiences for student from JK-Grade 12.

A visit to the Westminster Ponds Centre is both a memorable and lasting experience for all involved.

For additional information and booking send an email to [email protected]


Questions? Please contact Rachael Jensen at [email protected].

Teacher Professional Development

“What a fun, informative, and engaging workshop! Definitely one of the best professional development sessions I have ever attended! Great facilitation, great opportunity to network with other teachers, and many great cross-curricular lessons to bring back to my classroom! Thank you!What a fun, informative, and engaging workshop! Definitely one of the best professional development sessions I have ever attended! Great facilitation, great opportunity to network with other teachers, and many great cross-curricular lessons to bring back to my classroom! Thank you!”
-Amanda Truelove, Grade 6 Teacher, Knollwood Park Public School