Updated July 14, 2021
Welcome to ReForest London’s website. This site is owned and operated by, or on behalf of, ReForest London. We recognize that there may be visitors to our site concerned about the personally identifiable information (such as name, address, telephone number, etc.) they provide to us and how we treat that information. This Privacy Policy addresses those concerns.
ReForest London recognizes its obligation to its sponsors, donors, community and online visitors to adhere to the highest standards of decency, fairness, and integrity in all its operations. Likewise, ReForest London is dedicated to protecting consumer privacy on the Internet, especially for children.
ReForest London treats personally identifiable information in a manner consistent with the policy under which it was collected, unless ReForest London has your consent to do so differently. The continued use of our site following the posting of changes to this Privacy Policy will mean you accept those changes. This policy may be updated at any time.
Personal Information
ReForest London does not collect personally identifiable information from individuals unless they provide it to us voluntarily and knowingly. We may collect your personally identifiable information in order for you to participate in some programs or other services offered on our website, and for the purposes outlined below.
For the purpose of providing the information you request, including using your email and/or your name and phone number, to contact you in connection with providing the information;
Where you specifically consent to follow-up contacts by ReForest London or to be put on our electronic mailing list, to contact you from time to time; and
For such other purposes to which you may consent from time to time.
ReForest London complies with the Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act (PIPEDA), as well as Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).
Disclosure of Personal Information
In some places on the ReForest London website you may be asked to list your name, address, and other contact information. The information we collect is used to inform supporters, volunteers and donors about ReForest London’s activities, programs, special events and ways to support our efforts. It will also be used to generate statistics and reports for internal use only. These statistics and reports will not contain any personally identifiable information.
ReForest London reserves the right to cooperate with local, provincial and federal officials in any investigation requiring either personal information—including any personal information provided online through reforestlondon.ca—or reports about lawful or unlawful user activities on this site.
Deletion of Personal Information
Individuals who provide their personally identifiable information to ReForest London can make a written request for deletion of such information from our database at any time by sending a letter to:
ReForest London
Box 25144
London, ON
N6C 6A9
While we try to ensure that our site only links to sites that share our high standards of decency, fairness, and integrity, ReForest London is not responsible for the contents of any such linked pages or any other pages not under its control and/or part of our site.
ReForest London does not endorse, any linked websites, the information appearing thereon or any of the products or services described, other than with respect to our site.
A cookie is a file that is placed on your hard drive with your temporary internet files while you are visiting a website. As with many other websites, ReForest London does use cookies to understand better how our website is used. The information from cookies helps us better support our visitors. We do not collect or retain personal information with cookies.
As in our other business operations, ReForest London approaches our communications on the Internet with respect for, and commitment to, individual privacy rights, concern, and respect for the different sensibilities of consumers. We support active self-regulation of this new environment to ensure that responsible marketers can maintain the right to use all communication media to interact with consumers.
Copyright Information
ReForest London text-based information may only be reproduced, stored or transferred electronically for personal, community or sponsorship use. Reference must be given to ReForest London and any other authors, where applicable.
Images and photographs may not be reproduced, stored, made available, or transmitted without the express permission of ReForest London.
None of the information or images on ReForest London’s website may be resold in any manner, including restricted or commercial on-line systems, without the express permission of ReForest London.
Use of logo
Use of ReForest London’s trademark logo without written permission from ReForest London is prohibited.
Acceptance of Privacy Policy
By using our website you are agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Policy.