There are so many ways that MTC Partners can contribute to London’s Million Tree Challenge. Below is a list of actions you can take that will help get more trees planted and registered in 2021. Take a look and see what you can do/afford this year to activate your Partnership!
No Cost Advocacy and Action
- Volunteer at tree plantings or aftercare events!
- Create a plan to participate in the Million Tree Challenge.
- Register your planted trees at
- Educate yourself on the importance of tree planting in London and for the Million Tree Challenge.
- LIKE the Million Tree Challenge Facebook page and SHARE relevant posts.
- Follow @rfldn on Twitter and ReTweet important tweets.
- Use the MTC graphics in your company emails or website.
- Put the MTC counter widget on your website. Copy and paste this line of code into your webpage: <scriptsrc=”http://www.”></script>
- Display your “Proud Partner” window cling in your place of business.
- Display the Million Tree Challenge fridge magnet word set.
- Think of ways your organization can participate in London’s Million Tree Challenge.
- Encourage and/or challenge staff, clients, suppliers, colleagues, family and friends to get involved.
- Encourage other businesses or organizations to be MTC Partners.
- Give out printed Tree and Shrub brochures to staff.
- Promote MTC events and opportunities to your staff.
- Include Million Tree Challenge information in your company publications.
- Offer to distribute MTC information at events and trade shows.
- Request free Million Tree Challenge bookmarks and distribute them.
Low-Medium Cost Advocacy and Action
- Give the gift of trees to clients, suppliers, employees and colleagues.
- Donate funds of any amount to ReForest London to go toward the Million Tree Challenge.
- Offer incentives for employees to plant trees and record them at
- Donate prizes to the Million Tree Challenge for use in MTC promotions.
- Donate applicable in-kind services, products & resources to ReForest London and the Million Tree Challenge.
- Host a Tree Depot.
- Host a native tree seedling giveaway event.
- Plan a private business Aftercare team building event ($500 donation)
- Challenge colleagues to a Park Planting project and share the cost ($5,500).
- Staff fundraising event to go toward the Million Tree Challenge.
- Plant trees on your property.
- Create a treed outdoor lunch room for your employees.
- Plant trees in honour of an employee or company milestones.
- Plant trees in memory of staff, clients, suppliers, or anyone you would like to honour.
- Plan and host team-building events for staff that involve tree planting.
- Have internal challenges to employees to plant trees and offer incentives.
- Sponsor a community event Seedling Giveaway – starts at only $200.
- Sponsor a Tree. Only $25 each
- Purchase trees for all interested employees to plant in their yards.
- Attend a nursery tree sale and purchase trees for your business.
- Sponsor part of a Tree Depot ($2,500 or $1,000)
- Become a Million Tree Challenge Sponsor or ReForest London Sponsor.
- Write about your participation and initiatives to give back to the community.
- Form a Million Tree Challenge Committee to raise funds or for tree planting projects.
- Celebrate Earth Day, National Tree Day and National Forest Week with a tree-related activity.
- Volunteer with a staff group at a public Aftercare event.
5000+ Advocacy and Action
- Donate money directly to ReForest London/Million Tree Challenge.
- Donate applicable in-kind services and resources to the Million Tree Challenge.
- Pay for a Park Naturalization project.
- Pay for a tree planting project on your property. Increase your property value and reduce heating and cooling costs.
- Sponsor a Tree Depot!
- Plant caliper trees on your property.
- Become an ongoing Sponsor of the ReForest London/Million Tree Challenge.
For information on the Million Tree Challenge, partnership actions or how to become an MTC partner, please contact Sheila Creighton, Communications and Partnerships Manager at or 519-936-9548 X 228.