Name: Michele Anderson
Volunteer since: February 2013
Volunteered as: Office Assistant, Transportation Specialist, Tree Sale Attendant
Autobiography: I’m Michele, 27, mother to my beautiful son Avery. I went to school at U Waterloo (classical history) with a brief break to go to OCAD to study art. I have a real love for history and preservation. I have been so fortunate enough to travel to France, Italy, and the UK, to tour museums, churches, ruins, all symbols of humanities ability to come together to create something bigger than themselves, our collective triumphs are the places I am happiest. For a year I lived in the Peak District National Park, near Manchester UK. It was there that I truly recognized how much one’s environment influences happiness and am so grateful. I am an avid reader and book collector; always going on new adventures and seeing the world through different perspectives. I love the outdoors, taking my son on nature walks, going to the park and now since it’s so summery, the beach. I’ve had an exciting and fulfilling life thus far, I’m excited for where it’ll take me.
Reflections on Volunteering: I started volunteering at ReForest London because I wanted experience in an organization I believe in. Since being here I have come to know the staff for the brilliant individuals they are, and now I’m committed to freeing up as much as their time so that they can devote their expertise to keep doing the amazing things that they do. There is so much you can learn when you choose to volunteer, for example now I can differentiate several tree species! But I’ve also learned what hard work the not-for-profit sector is, how the people who get involved (in any way big or small) are unique people striving towards a common good. It is when people give themselves to what they love that real, good, progress is made. Find something you believe in and donate a bit of your time, I’ve volunteered with several organizations over the years and it’s far more fulfilling than any paid job I’ve ever had.