Three Companies Partner to Make Good Things Grow at Rosecliffe Park

Project Type: Million Tree Challenge
Year: 2014
Season: Spring

On May 10th, over 80 volunteers gathered at Rosecliffe Park to plant trees in a naturalization project made possible by the generous funding of Million Tree Challenge Partners KPMG, McKenzie Lake Lawyers and TD.

Staff of the three companies, their families and others in the community, came out in force, giving us the best planting turnout we’ve had this year. Thanks to the hard work of everyone there, 300 trees and shrubs were planted faster than anticipated.

Gregory Thompson, relationship manager at TD says that working with partners KPMG and McKenzie Lake Lawyers added an element of business networking and fun to the event. Known for their green initiatives across the county, TD was a natural partner for supporting the naturalization project. TD community relations manager Yvette Scrivener said, “Urban forests and green spaces are the core of thriving cities and towns like London – the Forest City. They are the heart of our communities. So that’s why TD employees are proud to help plant trees to grow urban forests locally.”

Laurie Hause, CIO & director of marketing for McKenzie Lake enjoyed the partnership as well. “Partnering with members of KPMG and TD on this Million Tree Challenge event was a great opportunity to give back to the city in which we work and live. At McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLP, our commitment to the community is an important part of our culture, and we are proud to help the London community plant one million trees and improve our urban forest.”

Park naturalizations are a terrific way for Million Tree Challenge Partners to work together for the community. Says denBok, “What is great about this team of partners is that often our professionals get together to network in business settings but this was such a great way to get everyone together and do some networking in a completely different setting and make London a greener place at the same time.”

Thank you to Katie denBok at KPMG for organizing this group park planting with colleagues at TD and McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLP.

The event went really well. It was terrific to see our partners and people from the community come out to help with such an important local community initiative. I also thought it was neat to see the variety of people that were drawn to volunteer their time for the event – old and young, and from all walks of life, but all with a common love for trees. I am looking forward to driving by this park over the next several years to see how our trees are growing!

Katie denBok, Senior Manager at KPMG