ReForest London Announces Conclusion of Neighbourhood Tree Depot Program Following Fall 2024 Season

ReForest London regrets to announce that the Neighbourhood Tree Depot program, a beloved initiative that has provided thousands of free trees to London residents, will be concluding after the Fall 2024 season. This decision comes as a result of the end of the funding program that has supported the depots since their inception. Without this critical funding, we are no longer able to sustain the program in its current form.

The Neighbourhood Tree Depot program has been a cornerstone of our efforts to green London’s neighborhoods, and its success would not have been possible without the unwavering support of Londoners and our generous funders. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has participated, sponsored, and helped make this program a success over the years.

While the conclusion of this program marks a significant loss for our organization and the community, ReForest London is committed to continuing its mission of enhancing our urban forest. As part of this commitment, we are excited to share that with the development of our new Community Tree Nursery, we will be earmarking a percentage of trees each season for giveaways to community members. Although the new iteration of the Neighbourhood Tree Depot program will not be ready for launch for at least two years, this initiative will ensure that the spirit of the program lives on.

The transition to the Community Tree Nursery involves a period of growth—literally. We will be dedicating time to building the nursery, collecting seeds, and nurturing young trees to maturity. We believe that this approach will not only allow us to continue providing free trees to Londoners but also support long-term sustainability and local biodiversity.

We would also like to take this opportunity to encourage local businesses and organizations to consider partnering with us to sponsor future tree giveaways. A shining example of such collaboration is our longstanding partnership with Convertus, who has generously sponsored tree depots at their location for many years and will continue to do so. ReForest London is always open to new partnerships and would be happy to discuss opportunities with any businesses interested in supporting a tree depot beginning in 2025.

As we prepare to say farewell to the Neighbourhood Tree Depot program, we are also looking forward with optimism. We remain deeply committed to our mission and to the community that has supported us so faithfully. Together, we can continue to grow a greener, healthier London for generations to come.