Project type: Million Tree Challenge
Year: 2017
Million Tree Challenge Partners Wizards of Video are a powerhouse of support for ReForest London and the Million Tree Challenge.

Since ReForest London’s early days, Kate and Geoff Rhodes, who own and operate Wizards of Video, have been strong supporters of getting more trees planted in London. It is a labour of love for this couple.
ReForest London has just been such a big part of us for over ten years now, it’s just awesome. We need way more trees in London and we’re happy to help.”\
– Kate Rhodes, Owner of Wizards of Video
Kate and Geoff have helped in many ways. Here are a few examples of just how devoted they are to making London a greener, healthier city for everyone:
- Wizards of Video has set a creative in-kind support and have created several videos over the years to promote both ReForest London and the Million Tree Challenge.
- Over the years, both Kate and Geoff have gotten their hands dirty planting trees at many different naturalization projects and even at an early ReLeaf planting initiative in Glen Cairn, where homeowners received trees planted in their yards.
- Helping to spread the word about the benefits of planting trees and London’s Million Tree Challenge to people and businesses is something that Kate and Geoff have been doing for many years both in person and on social media. “We get to work with a lot of different businesses in London,” Kate said, “so it’s really easy for us to be right there in their workplace and say ‘hey have you guys done anything with ReForest London yet?’ Especially with the Business Achievement Awards since a lot of what these businesses are finalists for, is their community involvement. And I’m like ‘I don’t see you volunteering for ReForest yet.’”
- Being a ‘tree foster’ (directly growing up little trees from seedlings or seed) is a practical and amazing way to help get more trees planted in London. In 2016, Kate and Geoff grew up many baby native trees in their backyard, including Sycamore, Kentucky Coffee and Oaks, and donated them to ReForest London to be included in naturalization plantings. Last October, these baby trees were planted in Dingman Park. “If you have a bit of property, you can do this too,” said Kate. “You don’t have to start from seed, you can also get some seedlings. They just need some water, some sun and some love.”
- And if all this support and help over the years was not enough, starting in the spring, Kate and Geoff will be doing even more to help trees in London. They will be adopting a ReForest London naturalization project, which was planted last fall, to do aftercare on. “There is a planting right down the street from us and we can be there in the evenings,” Geoff said. “We can walk there in five minutes but will take the truck and some mulch from Davey Tree. We’ll mulch, weed and make sure they’re staked okay and if any of the trees start getting stressed from dryness we can take water over in the truck and water them. None of it’s going to be difficult.”
If you are a business, organization or group and would be interested in adopting a ReForest London naturalization planting to do ongoing aftercare on, please contact our Partnerships and Marketing Manager Sheila Creighton via email or at 519-936-9548 x 228
As you can see, Kate and Geoff Rhodes of Wizards of Video really love trees and have found many ways to make a difference. These two are an inspiration to others who would like to help get more trees in London. If you offer a creative service, perhaps you have creative ideas for how you can donate in-kind to the Million Tree Challenge. Thank you Kate and Geoff for your amazing contributions!