Coming Together for Aftercare

After a week of extreme heat and thunderstorms, ReForest London staff and volunteers were able to make it out to Sunningdale Stormwater Pond for an aftercare event on August 10, 2022. We are so grateful for the many volunteers and supporters that continue to make these events happen!

Staff and volunteers cared for previously planted trees through mulching, weeding, and maintaining the land. Plantings around stormwater ponds are very important for the local ecosystem: they help provide shade and habitat for local wildlife, prevent flooding and erosion, and improve air and water quality around the ponds. Aftercare is a crucial stage of every tree planting, as ensuring that trees are growing strong and being cared for means a healthier urban forest.

It was a beautiful evening, with warm, sunny weather and great spirits. Everyone came prepared with some sunscreen, water, and bug spray, and with some extra water on hand, we were ready to start attending to the previously planted trees. Two years ago staff, volunteers, and other supporters planted a total of 900 plants at this pond including: ironwoods, basswoods, trembling aspens, shagbark hickories, nine barks, sumacs, and red berries elders! 

A new ReForest London volunteer had this to say after their first event:

Exercise, fresh air, meeting new like-minded environmentalists and enjoying mother nature at its finest is why I first started volunteering with ReForest London. So far, I have had an absolutely terrific experience. Helping keep the ‘Forest’ in the Forest City is my favorite part of volunteering with this organization. Bonding with the passionate and friendly staff of ReForest London, hands down, has got to be the most memorable part of my first aftercare event I attended.

— Andrew, Volunteer 

We are so grateful for all of our volunteers’ hard work and their continued dedication to a greener, leafier London! Thank you! 

If you are looking to get involved, check out our events page on our website for more information and up-to-date event schedules, or reach out to our Volunteer and Tree Gift Coordinator at