Names: Jessica & AJ Van Koeverden
Volunteers Since: April 2018
Roles: Community Liaisons, Tree Planters, Special Events Committee Member (Jess) & Hike Leader (Jess)
About Jess & A.J.: The Forest City is where I was born and raised, and consequently where I have chosen to put down roots to start my own family. Prior to this I traveled abroad for a number of years, enjoying my passion for learning and experiencing the world. My travels led me to live on a total of four continents. My professional career has varied from customer service, teaching overseas, working with youth in mental health, and finance at Libro Credit Union. My favourite job of all time though is being a mom to AJ and in July we will welcome his little brother to the family.
AJ is an active little 4 year old fella who loves animals, nature, everything related to hockey, baseball, soccer, basketball, and art. He is wise beyond his years and is constantly testing my knowledge with inquisitive questions. In addition to planting trees, he is also an active volunteer with the Antler River Rally (monthly garbage clean up).
Why they volunteer with ReForest London: Much like my father taught me when I was young, I have made a big commitment to teaching my son AJ about nature, community, responsibility, hard work, and having fun too. Our love of nature, animals, and helping others is very strong. We were seeking an activity to do something together as a family which also allowed us to get outside and give back to the community. AJ said he likes to plant trees because he thinks the world needs more trees to help everyone breathe and stay healthy.